Summertime 2009 Hair Care

Summertime 2010 Hair Care

Summer is a time where we can all let our hair down and enjoy the sunshine. However it is also a time where beauty regimes need to be remembered for both our skin and our hair to stop it being damaged and dried out by the wonderful weather.
One of the best ways that you can look after your hair when it comes to summertime is to wear it up. A simple ponytail worn to the office, the beach and even with a pretty corsage for a more formal event can reduce the need for using hair dryers, hair straightening irons and other heated tools which all take their toll on our already sun dried hair. You will also find that wearing your hair in a style such as this means that you need to wash the hair less and also can afford to let the styling regime go for a little bit. Our hair needs a break from time to time.
As well using simple styles such as plaits, (very in for the summer of 2009) and pony tails, there has never before been a better season to start looking out for your hair. You could even have a low ponytail, either to the side or at the back of the head and use part of your hair to create a headband with a plait; something that Nicky Hilton was recently seen wearing.

Picture Copyright of PR PHOTOS


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