Longer Hairstyles For Men

Longer Hairstyles For Men - Summer Fall 2009 Hair Ideas

For longer locks of the male persuasion, many men have made this style a growing trend. Santiago Cabrera and Ace Young have recently been seen with wavy to curly long locks to stand in line for. Here are a few ideas on how to get these looks at home.
Ace Young was seen at the Grammy’s wearing his hair to his shoulders in a wavy long style. To get this at home, simply start with wet hair and begin with a strong holding mousse, wax and hairspray. Apply the mousse between your palms and then use the palms to distribute the mousse through the hair evenly. Start at the roots and work your way out to the ends, and this will help to give the roots a boost of body. Scrunch the hair between palms and fingers starting at the ends, and working towards the scalp. This will help to build the waves you are looking for, even if you have straight hair. Part the hair at the natural part with a wide toothed comb, for a natural look. Finish up with a light mist of hairspray to hold in place.
Santiago Cabrera

Santiago Cabrera’s look was seen at the TV Land Awards, and he used his natural curls to create a look that so many women swoon over. To begin with, the hair should be damp. Use mousse or gel between the palms and distribute evenly beginning at the roots of the hair, down to the ends. This will help hold for a longer time. Scrunch the hair between the palms and fingers and allow to dry.

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS


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