Hi, last night, I went to bed early but could not sleep...
so I decided to work on what concept I will use for my NOTD.
I gathered all my plates and while I was looking at them, I suddenly
remembered the last time I chat with Joan.. She requested for me to try
and use B66 fauxnad plate "chinese character". Konad came up with the
original version of that plate (m23 if I'm not mistaken) but when you compare
them, they look exactly same...Anyway, Joan is a good on-line friend of mine, she's
very simple and thoughtful, she was the one who introduced me to nail stamping,and
persueded me to create this blog! hahaha... Actually, she gave me my first image plate B07,
rhinestone, and nail dotting tool in our first trade...
I remember those days, I was very curious on how to use the nail stamping kit....
That was when I started to buying nail stuff online. Amisy is my first nail art purchase,
bought it in a set and cost around $20 w/o shipping fee....Which included 6 image plates,6 nail polish, colortone: green, blue, white, black, yellow, and colorless, also included a mini nail art machine. When the package arrived, I was very excited to use it, but when I tried it on my nails, it didn't worked. I was so dissapointed. Maybe the nail polish dries quicky, or the stamp doesn't work, then I tried using the stamp kit included in B07 plate and it worked perfectly! and it was for that I started buying more nail art plates online. Sometimes Joan and I were excessively... I bought some two way nail art pen, assorted nail polish, etc....
Joan here it is... I named my mani "CHINESE DUO" .... hope you like the concept, thanks for being a good friend..... I wasn't able to put more pics because my digital ran out of battery...
God Bless

elf red light #80509
elf black #80612
whitener french white marker
special polish white
b66 fauxnad i.p.

base coat: caress snow white n.p
konad red s.p.
blue charm super black # 17
b11, b66, and b96 fauxnad i.p

If you wish to see JOAN'S nail art collection,
check out her site "MY NAIL ART ADDICTION"
Thanks Again....


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