Celebrity Hairstyles 2009, 2010

Best Celebrity Hairstyles 2009, 2010

Often there is pressure on celebrities to maintain a fresh, chic image in order to stay in the public eye. Sometimes this leads to making fashion mistakes. Recently there have been a some haircuts that did not make the grade and others that just blew us away!
Rinhanna's Latest Hair

Rihanna, who is usually a fabulous example of what to do the right way, made a small miscalculation this year when she put in some large blond highlights in her bangs. We all agree that she has a great style that is on the cutting edge, but she really went overboard on this one!
Ashlee Simpson Hair

Ashlee Simpson on the other hand showed us all her grown up side with an Auburn shade to her hair this year that created a sophisticated look for her. Glamorous and shockingly sleek, her hair is a poster for what to do right! Her healthy and smooth looking fringe style makes her a new woman!
Drew Barrymore Latest Hairstyle, December 2009

Drew Barrymore dropped the ball on her hair this year with a blond into black tips that made her look more like a paintbrush than a celebrity. She is still a beautiful role model for our young women, but she should stick to one color! She will not be setting any trends with that kind of advice from her stylist. Last info; she went back to blonde, huraaay!
Katie Holmes', Bad Hair Day!

Katie Holmes found a stylist that was willing to experiment with her look and it paid off big for her as well. Just like Ashlee, Katie made a dramatic transformation, but in her case it was more about cutting her hair shorter and darkening it. Katie looks like a super- chic new mom now!


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