Emo Hair Trends

Emo Hair Trends 2010
Today one of the trendiest hairstyles is Emo. The Emo hair trends are the quick path of popularity in the younger crowd. The Emo hair trends are considered popular, in style and unisex with both women and men. Dyed black, spiked cut and funky are the main attributes of Emo hair trends.

Trendy Emo Hairstyle

Trendy Emo Hairstyle

Contrary to the popular belief, the Emo hair trends are supple on the image you actually would like to project. There is one such Emo hair trend known as Nerdy Emo- short, mess and black hair fusion with cat eyeglasses or the horn rim. It is a perfect hair trend for the guys who are in their twenties.

Emo Mad Rad Hair

Emo Mad Rad Hair

For the younger group, the Indie Emo hair trends, which has the spiked bangs swept on the side works wonders and looks great. While for girls, one could either trim you hair up to the shoulder length with some uneven edges and for a more polished or a dressier look, an Emo hair trend may come in the form of the flipped put strands for the girls and a mop top among men.

Emo Colored Hair

Emo Colored Hair

The two most common Emo hair trends are the Emo short hair and Emo long hair, the Emo short hair is a prickle and short hair cut along the long bangs. However, with this trend the bands are put on a lengthy trimming, which lies over the face and brushed on one side. While, the Emolong hair trend includes a hairy and a long cut and are parted on one side of the face particularly the right being the most common one to toss the bangs.

Emo Boy Hair

Emo Boy Hair

Cute Emo Hair

Cute Emo Hair


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