Types of Hair for You

Types of Hair :
We can have hair:
-superfatting himself
-thin and delicate
-worn out

Normal hair have the natural and healthy appearance, are resilient, downy, shiny. They do not superfat themselves, do not split on ends, do not cause problems and do not demand the special care. Their nursing does not cause problems, easily they surrender to all endeavour. Largely demand washes 2 to 3 times on week-days and usages of light nutrients, what will permit to hold them this good form and to protect before injurious externa factors. The shampoo should hold up their natural moisture and regulate the work of sebaceous glands, and the nutrient grant the polish and make easy combing. Normal hair are least troublesome, most resistant on the mistreatment and - unfortunately - they appear not as usual seldom.

Dry hair are devoid hair of the polish , difficult to arrangements, rough in the touch, inclined to the electrification. Can be dry inherently, when sebaceous glands of the skin of the head produce too little sebum, or can become {stand} such on account externa (the chlorinated water, the sun, the high temperature, badly passed hairdresser′s) endeavour factors. Dry hair are almost completely devoid framings of fatty which protects the core of the hair before the loss of the moisture. Healthy hair should contain at least 10% waters. Dry hair have her a lot less, because a base of the nursing is the supplement of this shortage across the usage of shampoos to hair of dry and worn out and special nutrients, and even masks. Dry hair are most susceptible on damages during the desiccation and the arrangement, because one ought to proceed with them exceptionally gently and not to dry with the hot air of the dryer. And if appeared the dry scurf , one ought to succeed for the help to the dermatologist.

Hair superfatting themselves are fat, shining, stuck together into sticky strands cephalad , incline to the scurf and the apoptosis. Superfatting itself hair is most often result the overproduction sebum by sebaceous glands of the skin whose on the head we have about 125 000. Sebum blocks pores of the skin, making impossible her normal respiration and burdens hair. Probable etiologic factors of the seborrhoea are contagions oidiomycetes, brands pityrosporum ovale. The suitable nursing consists in the settlement of superfatting itself the skin of the head. Hair superfatting themselves demand the everyday wash which will clean it from the excess of the tallow. One should use created preparations specially to the skin with the seborrhoea which act antibacterially, but softly and gently. In chances of the persistent seborrhoea, when does not suffice the suitable hygiene, one ought to turn for the advice and the help to the dermatologist.

The excessive seborrhoea favours to the formation of the fat scurf. By definition results that this is the desquamation of the skin of the hairy head. In the advanced (to neglected?) state {becoming, standing} on the self-possessed head with the fat scurf appear stratified yellow crusts and symptoms of the inflammable state , the causing itch and the permanent psilosis. The scurf and the seborrhoea surrender to the automatic (?) diminution in due measure the progressive progressing baldness. The treatment should be led by the dermatologist who will come down the usage of creams and antifungal liquids. Additionally indicated is the usage of registered by the doctor of the antifungal shampoo. The treatment is difficult and prolonged. So, although the desquamation is the problem quite pretty large.

Mixed hair , similarly how the mixed complexion , are an enough troublesome kind of hair. This are hair superfatting themselves at the base, instead dry and breakable on ends. Their nursing consists in adjusting of the hypersecretion sebum, and simultaneously to moistening of the hair on all of his length. There belongs ably, most often cut-and-try, to connect the manner of the nursing of hair fat and dry.

Hair thin and delicate in general are bright and "disobedient", difficult to the arrangement. The weakness and the thinness of hair can be conditioned genetically, but can also result the strong stress, hormonal disturbances or dietetic errors. Hair of this type are about 25% thinner than normal hair , wherethrough seems that them is less on the head, aside from of the real quantity. These hair are very delicate, quickly tarnish and the elasticity, often falter, split. Demand washes and strengthenings, but with delicate, light preparations. Best regenerate it light, not fat, adding volumes to hair of the nutrient.

Hair worn out this complete contrast of normal hair , their hull are not already arranged imbricately, but ajar and broken, in the effect of what these hair do not reflect lights and are mat, contain too little moistures - dry are, rough, breakable, and simultaneously stiff, easily become tangled and are difficult to combing. Such hair are often an effect of badly passed - or passed too often - endeavour of hairdresser′s, badly chosen cosmetics, the excessive insolation (without the suitable protection), the activity of the high temperature, the contact with the salty or chlorinated water. At their nursing (and properly to the saving) is important the usage of shampoos and nutrients regenerating the worn out structure of the hair, regulative the moisture in their interior, and simultaneously polishing the surface of the hair and making easy combing. Used preparations to the nursing of these hair should contain proteins, the keratin and vitamins. Often helpful is the considerable shortening of worn out hair and the work "from the ground up"


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