Beating Up An Emo Kid Is Not Funny. It’s Evil, Sad and it Sucks.

If you think beating up Emo kids is funny, then you’re mentally deranged.

If you truly hate Emos then the only option is to stay as far away from them as possible. When you kick the hell out of an Emo Kid, he won’t stop being Emo over-night. By the next morning he’ll be even more devout.


He’ll likely start an Emo Band and write a song about the night you kicked his head in. It’ll go to #1 on the Billboard Top 100 and you’ll be to blame for introducing even more of this Emo shit into the world.

Then you’ll be due a beating by the thought police!

If you must beat up anyone, then track down the God Hates Fags brigade, steal one of their signs and start slapping Fred Phelps Snr repeatedly over the head with it until you knock some sense into him.

Otherwise just leave Emos alone. They get enough crap from their peers let alone from anyone else!


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