When nail polish becomes an addiction...

A few weeks ago I swore to myself that I wouldn't buy any more polish until Christmas. But yesterday I broke down and bought a couple of things. Okay, I lied, it was more than a couple but who's counting? I'll take you through my haul step by step. So first I went to Ardene and looked around. I settled on two polishes, Zen and Princess Cut. Zen is a creamy teal colour that photos can't capture and Princess Cut is a clear with lots of fuchsia, orange, and blue glitter. I paint my Mom's nails so she got me some nail stickers to use as well.
The adorable nail stickers.
Zen and Princess Cut.

Next up we went to Sally Beauty supply (which is next door to Ardene's) to look for the China Glaze Awakening collection. I've been in there every week for the past two months looking for it and they never always tell me that they haven't received it yet. When I first walked in the store they had the clearance table out. Most of the stuff was hair supplies, but they had a Fingerpaints polish on the table with a red sticker that said $2.79. All red sticker products were an additional 50% off so in the end it was $1.30. 
Not a colour I'd pay full price for but it was worth it for the $1.30!

When the manager saw me she walked over and told me that they had gotten the Awakening collection in! They were not supposed to be for sale until October 15th but she let me buy one of each colour anyways. 
Zombie Zest, Mummy May I, Ick-A-Bod-Y.
All I can say is that it was well worth the wait!

 I also grabbed glow in the dark polish.

I hope you enjoyed this haul. Now I'm really going to try not to buy anything :)


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