My First Tag - Stylish Blog Award

The wonderful Aurora from Aurora's Nails has tagged me with the Stylish Blogger award, which is my first tag! If you don't already check out her blog, you really should, so HERE is the link.

The rules were:
-Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
-Share 7 facts about yourself.
-Award 13 great bloggers.
-Contact them and tell them about the award.

So onto the facts....

1. I love Hello Kitty. Clothes, accessories, alarm clocks, I have it all.

2. I am a Nintendo nerd. I love all things Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon.

3. I love art, especially painting with acrylics and mixing the colours. But I hate sketching with pencils.

4. I absolutely adore chocolate, and eat it every day. I have even read books about how to "properly" taste it.

5. I get extremely excited when I see rainbows. I think that they are one of the most pretty things in the world.

6. Sports are not my thing. The last athletic event that I participated in was tee-ball when I was four years old.

7. I watch way to much TV for my own good. My current favorites are Glee, The Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother.

Now it's time to tag some other bloggers, I'll try to pick ones that I have recently discovered.
(If you have already done this tag, then don't worry about it.)

1. The Student's Guide To Nail Polish
2. Pink Nail Blog
3. Rachel's Nails
4. The Nail Experiment
5. Toes That Twinkle
6. Zombie Claws
7. Deez Nails
8. Dees Polish Endeavours
9. Frazzle and Aniploish
10. Hebridean Sprite Beauty
11. Frippery Digits
12. Candy Coated Tips
13. Blue Tape and Nails

So there you go guys! Thanks again to Aurora :)


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